who we are?

ABOUT Kith & Kin School of Fine Art
Kith & Kin School of Fine Art is my studio in Oakley, California offering sales of finished art, commissioned art, and art supplies. I offer classes in painting in oils, acrylics, and water colors. I have designed workshops where I bring in some of the leading artists in the United States. I am a certified Teacher of Art, Education, and Materials with manufacturers of art and drafting supplies (Koh-I-Noor, Inc., Grumbacher, Loew-Cornell, Winsor-Newton, et al).
Teach and Sell Art
We sell finished art from our gallery
and teach painting and drawing
to artists from young children to adults
Teach Cake decorating
We teach cake decoration and decorating techniques.
We provide instruction from baking skills to the most
complex and beautiful decorations.